2022 in the sign of crises,
2023 the year of the sale

The end of 2022 is almost in sight: time to take stock. In any case, it was a turbulent year. In 2022, the crises seemed to be piling up: the Russian invasion of Ukraine, sky-high inflation, increasing staff shortages, a climate crisis and rising energy prices. The logistics sector was also hit by personnel problems and rising fuel and energy prices. In addition, inflation has a major impact on the spending pattern of Dutch consumers. Due to the unstable future, consumers are keeping their purse strings tight. That is quite different from two years ago when e-commerce was booming due to the corona crisis. In the article on Baaz.nl our co-founder, Jeroen Gehlen, looks back on the developments of the past year. But he also looks to the future. Because what are the expectations for the new year?

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